As a kid who grew up in India in the 90’s, there are a lot of memories that I hold dear. One of those includes watching Doordarshan, way before cable television made its presence felt in India. For those who share this sentiment, you will most likely remember that 6 minute gem of an ‘advertisement’ titled Mile Sur Mera Tumhara. Aimed at promoting national integration and unity, it was written by one of my ad world heroes, Piyush Pandey. Below is the video, for those who are so inclined –
So what is the point of my post? Well, a friend recently showed me the remake of the film, titled Phir Mile Sur Mera Tumhara. It aired this year on India’s Republic Day, and has received mixed reviews so far, to say the least. Personally, I think it has its moments, but for the most part, I agree with the sentiments of Krish Ashok, who has systematically torn it apart on his blog. Decide for yourself –